
Company ABB acquaints us with their partners from South Korea.

The whole world meets to toast at Poli’s.


Company ABB in Marostica avails of a branch in South Korea.
Last July 3rd 2014, some of their employees from this remote asiatic country made their way to Schiavon to better understand what we’re making here.

Alberto and Jacopo, in charge to welcome them, really enjoyed they good mood these guests brought along and took some time to explain the difference between Brandy, Grappa and other spirits, such as  Soju, the favourite alcoholic beverage in this asiatic country.

Our ageing cellar later hosted the tasting: the koreans guests seem to have enjoyed Sarpa and our honey-flavoured Grappa a lot!

Many thanks to ABB and to these gentlemen from South Korea for their visit, wishing you always BUONA GRAPPA!