
Good food for a good cause

Jacopo Poli alla cena benefica di mercoledì 17 giugno a Torreglia (PD)



Not really easy to bring 20 restaurants, starred chefs, breweries and cellars together for a charity dinner, yet we managed to do so.

“A Tavola con le stelle del Nordest” took place on june 17th at Antica Trattoria Ballotta.

Jacopo Poli served Airone Rosso, an aperitivo created by Tony Poli and other distillates.


More than 300 people attended this dinner, organised by Franco Favaretto, chef working at Baccaladivino and Enrico Panzarasa from Selecta, to help Giovanni Chiades, who has now fought over 10 years, after having a bad accident.

More dinners to come next june 18th and 19th at Trattoria Ballotta.